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173 Segments




Film Director Noah Baumbach on Young Adulthood and Jealous Love

Baumbach's latest film is "Mr. Jealousy," about an irrationally jealous young man who is obsessed with his girlfriend's ex-lovers. He joins the therapy group of his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend in order to learn more about him. Baumbach wrote and directed the film, as well as his previous debut film "Kicking and Screaming." "Mr. Jealousy stars Eric Stoltz, Annabella Sciorra, and Chris Eigeman who we hear from later in the show.


Autonomy and Intimacy in Romantic Relationships.

Psychiatrist and author Peter Kramer. His book, "Listening to Prozac" was a bestseller. His new book is about relationships: "Should You Leave?: A Psychiatrist Explores Intimacy and Autonomy -and the Nature of Advice" (Scribner) Kramer is an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Brown University and writes a monthly column for Psychiatric Times.


"The Rules" Don't Apply to Classic Literature

Book critic Maureen Corrigan considers "The Rules: Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right" by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, and wonders how literary heroines may have fared had they followed the authors' advice.


Television Legend Mary Tyler Moore: Moore Discusses Her Private Life.

Actress Mary Tyler Moore. She starred in the Emmy award television show "The Dick Van Dyke Show," "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," and the film "Ordinary People." She is now starring in a new CBS series "New York News," a drama about life at a fictional New York newspaper, and has recently written her autobiography, "After All," (Putnam's Sons).


Tensions Between Genders in the Black Community.

Mike Tyson returns to the ring Saturday night after a four year absence. Three of those years were spent in jail on a rape conviction. .Tyson continues to deny the charge. Commentator Gerald Early says that Tyson's release from prison sparked new questions about an old debate in the black community: tensions between the genders. Gerald Early teaches English at Washington University where he directs the program on African and Afro-American studies. He's the author of The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Prize fighting, Literature and Modern American Culture.


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