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Guitarist Ry Cooder.

Guitarist Ry Cooder. In the 60s he collaborated with Taj Mahal, Captain Beefheart, the Rolling Stones and became known for his fingerpicking and slide playing. In the 70s he went solo -- putting together ten albums that explored American roots music including blues, vintage jazz, and gospel.


A Unique New Voice.

Rock critic Ken Tucker reviews the new release by Sophie B. Hawkins, "Tongues & Tails," (on the Columbia label).


Punk Rockers Ian MacKaye and Guy Picciotto.

Two members of the punk rock group Fugazi: singer-guitarist Ian MacKaye and guitarist Guy Picciotto. The Washington, D.C. band has become internationally known despite the fact that the band refuses to sign with a major label. They abhor commercialism and stardom. The impassioned band sings on it's new album, "Steady Diet of Nothing," about having control of their own bodies, TV - "nothing going on in there," and about the supreme court, "Justice Brennan, I know it's not your fault." (the new album is on "Dischord Records.")


Musician Peter Case Discusses his Life and Career.

Singer-songwriter Peter Case. He took a Greyhound to California in the 70s, played guitar on the streets of San Francisco, and later got involved in the L.A. band scene in the early 80s, where he started a band called The Plimsouls. Since then, he's had a solo career. His new album is called "Six Pack of Love" (it's on the Geffen label).


Musician and Actor John Doe.

Punk rocker and now actor John Doe of the soon to be reunited band, "X." Since the band broke up, he went solo with his own album, and took up acting. He's now starring in a new independent film, "Roadside Prophets," written and directed by Abbe Wool, who co-wrote the punk rock movie, "Sid & Nancy."


Record Mogul Bobby Robinson.

Rock historian Ed Ward profiles Bobby Robinson and his Harlem record labels which were responsible for such hits as "Kansas City," and "Fannie Mae," and for launching the career of Gladys Knight.


Middle-Age Codgers are Sharp Musicians.

Rock critic Ken Tucker reviews the new release, "Little Village," by Little Village, a new band made up of veteran rockers, Ry Cooder, John Hiatt, Nick Lowe, and Jim Keltner. (on Reprise).


New Rock Albums from Scotland.

Rock critic Ken Tucker checks out Scotland's current contributions to rock. He looks at the bands Primal Scream and Teenage Fanclub.


The Sounds of 1982.

Rock historian Ed Ward concludes his look at the last four decades of rock with a profile of 1982.


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