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Milo Miles

As a Guest

309 segments

Festival Au Desert: Music Of Peace Not Silenced By War.

For a dozen years, a music festival that highlights the music of Africa has been held near Timbuktu, Mali. This year, a nationalist uprising and ongoing battles made the Festival au Desert impossible. A new recording from the most recent event helps fans continue to celebrate the music.


Yo La Tengo: Decades In And Far From Fading

The indie-rock favorite's new album, Fade, demonstrates that the group is all grown up but not at all study. The album's music and words add up to our affirmation of life and living.


Tunes To 'Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard' To

Critic Milo Miles says that in this new collection of music from between the world wars, "the currents of long-ago lives come through: the drudgery of the work that demanded the release of the party, which then required the penance of prayer."


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